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    Agility in automotive? A project accelerator in hard- and software projects

    When a group of software developers met in America in 2001, probably none of them suspected that they would have a great influence on the software industry with their "Agile Manifesto" and the 4 values and 12 principles that emerged from this meeting. These are still valid today. For the developers of the EDAG Group, too.

    At trive.me we are specified in software development and, as a brand of EDAG, huge supporters of Agile in Automotive. We don’t think of failing as failing, but an iterative process of (idea-) validation and experimentation – or in the words of Scrum: inspect and adapt. This is even more important when using Scrum beyond software development. However, we understand that there is so much more to working Agile, than simply applying a framework – such as Scrum. We combine a user-centric approach with a lightweight framework and a fail-fast attitude.


    It is super important to recognize that agility goes beyond a framework like Scrum and is more than an accelerator to your project or development team. Working Agile means to holistically change the approach of how to solve problems from ideation to development – not just in that one project, but as an entire organization. Changing Mindset is key to working Agile. Building an agile Mindset takes time and effort. To challenge the agile transformation in our company we start sensitizing our teams with trainings and workshops.

    Critical success factors:

    • Train Growth Mindset of employees
    • Management supporting agile teams
    • Flexible organization structure that promotes cross-functional collaboration
    • Design Contracts to enable Agile
    • Include customer in development
    • Flexible IT infrastructure to support distributed teams in communication and delivering high quality products



    For us at trive.me, Agile in Automotive is about living the values and principles first – a sustainable culture change is the necessary foundation to combine multiple aspects of Agile successfully.

    Agile working focusses the team – it is essential for success. To build a well-functioning team, it is necessary that all members trust each other and feel comfortable to deal openly with each other. We are open to deal with weaknesses or mistakes, ask for help in case we need it and decide in favour of others. We are looking forward to every opportunity to work together as a group.

    A trustful atmosphere helps the team to discuss their ideas openly. The variety of ideas from all team members helps to solve problems quicker.

    Good teams can decide clearly and implement their decision. In fact, this increases transparency and leads the focus on common goals. This engagement helps to develop the skill to learn from our mistakes and to take chances even before the competitor realizes them.

    We communicate about goals and standards clearly and our team knows exactly how to organize itself to be successful. Regularly inspecting the progress helps the team to take responsibility.

    By defining goals understandable and by rewarding behavior that serves the team goal we minimize individualistic behavior and address these members pushing team success.

    Theoretically this sounds very easy and logical. But the establishment of these necessary values in practice is challenging and requires a lot of discipline and persistence. That is the reason why a continous support of the development teams during actual projects is essential for success.


    At EDAG we use Agile in Automotive in soft- and hardware projects. Our transformation strategy is to coach our development teams in agile methods and integrate in practice – during actual projects – to gain experiences about the implementation of agile frameworks and derive improvements. After some time we asked for feedback.

    Scrum Teams mention positive aspects: Teams develop some kind of team dynamic, employees are motivated taking responsibility, identifying with the project goal and promoting daily meetings to increase transparency.

    Working agile creates transparency for impediments. Most employees of agile development teams mention, that implementing an agile framework requires great effort and general conditions in the entire organization. Employees were facing difficulties especially the acceptance of the framework in their team.

    In this case, it is necessary to present the superior goal of using agile methods. Employees can apply these methods and experiences for future projects, not just for a single project. These experiences do not only lead to a methodological understanding but also a personal development. The impediments clarify the importance of trainings and coachings during projects – for the project managers as well as the development team. Constantly we try to implement a deep understanding for agility and to empower the teams to try out new techniques and ways of thinking to develop solutions for future mobility.

    The idea of agile working completely changes the classic way of working of companies and teams. If you would like to know more about this flexible and fast way of working, please contact our expert Heiko Herchet, Chief Executive Electrifier, trive.me, and let him inspire you with the possibilities of agile working.

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