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    The Feynsinn team: we give digitalisation a voice.

    Podcasts can be audio books, news items, guides, tutorials or interviews. According to a survey, in Germany alone, more than 7.5 million listeners use podcasting as an informative and entertaining medium, for example as a means of acquiring technical knowledge (Statista, 2019). Quick, compact, efficient and available everywhere. In 15-20 minutes. Among these 7.5 million are our two colleagues Vasileios Kitsios and Christ Huber from FEYNSINN. The idea of creating the Feynsinn podcast arose not only as a result of their enthusiasm for these digital messages, but much more as a way of helping companies to overcome any fear of digitalisation they might have and describing the opportunities offered by digital transformation to them in understandable terms. Of making them fit for the digital future?

    For us, digital transformation - something that still causes discomfort and worry lines in many companies - is the future and part of our daily work. Terms such as Industry 4.0, digital twin, virtual or augmented reality represent new technologies that are revolutionising familiar structures and processes. Not only does the task of keeping track of events while at the same time developing an understanding of the necessary systems and assessing which technologies make sense present many companies with major challenges; it also costs them a large amounts of time and money.

    In discussions with customers, the FEYNSINN experts have again and again noticed that there is still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding digitalisation. Questions such as "But what is digital transformation? What does it mean for our company?" or "How do you actually develop a fully integrated digitalisation strategy?" are frequently asked. Due to the rapid pace and the dynamics of this subject and the seemingly endless digitalisation trends constantly being presented, it is becoming even more difficult for companies to filter out the best solution for them and their requirements.

    We love digitalisation. And hope you will soon, too.


    FEYNSINN has been able to apply its expert knowledge of digitalisation to the development of product and production solutions, the networking of systems, the simplification of processes and the use of digital technologies in countless projects with OEMs, but also in cross-sector projects, and is a competent partner when it comes to all of these issues.

    And so the idea of the Feynsinn podcasts came into being. What if there were a way of recording these conversations with customers during which their uncertainty, fears and lack of understanding are gradually transformed into knowledge and then enthusiasm for digital transformation when they are given concrete recommendations and advice? This would provide us with the opportunity - in much the same way as a panel discussion does - to make the knowledge available to a wider audience and create more understanding and acceptance for the subject. It goes without saying that we do not record any of the discussions we have with customers. But we do take the questions and suggestions that are produced in these discussions, and then answer them in our podcasts.

    The podcast is aimed at anyone working in the development of products and production solutions who would like to have a better understanding of how digital transformation can be used in their business and production facilities, regardless of which industry the company is involved in, and whether they are system suppliers or subcontractors.

    Each episode includes practical examples and tips that are important when using the technology concerned. In discussions with various experts, Vasileios Kitsios and Chris Huber from FEYNSINN impart concrete knowledge relating to what is important in the automation and digitalisation of processes. In this way, you, too, can become an expert. No matter where or when.

    By the way: is there something that you are currently working on that you feel needs to be discussed urgently? Or a certain kind of technology regarding which you need the expert knowledge of our colleagues? First-hand reports from FEYNSINN outlining the added value that the use of this particular technology could offer, or whether you would be better off without it? Or perhaps you are interested in more general topics such as: are the major OEMs planning things that your company should prepare for, so as to be ready for the future? Are there any activities that deserve particular attention?

    Of course, we also benefit time and again from the wealth of knowledge and experience our customers have acquired. Might you also be interested in participating in one of our next podcasts, and sharing your experience from the customer's point of view? If so, we look forward to receiving any subjects you might like to suggest, and to your contribution to ensuring that the digital transformation will not remain just a vision.

    But now why not listen to one of our podcasts? This is available on all popular podcast channels.

    We hope that you will really enjoy it and gain some exciting insights. Should you have any other questions, Jens Weiler, Head of Digitalisation Solutions in Production at FEYNSINN , looks forward to hearing from you. And don't forget: we will be presenting the next subject in a fortnight - make sure you don't miss it.

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